Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're Just Friends

Well, to use a very over extended metaphor, if Cape Town and I had to put a label to our relationship, I'd say we were "just friends."
And to take it too far, I'd been eyeing Cape Town for a while. I heard it was really happening and exciting! and perfect. I'd even checked it out on Facebook a couple times. And every other abroad student to encounter Cape Town, was in love.
So, I wanted to be in love, too. And with the help of our matchmaker, Lisa Sapolis, our affair began. We've been together for about a month now, but Cape Town and I aren't really working out.
I'm not sure what I want, and sometimes what Cape Town wants, is only stopped with my VIPER: Self-Defense Spray. Maybe the first month is the hardest.
(To invoke another metaphor we all learned in our orientation program, I'm on the second apple.)
Of course this was only intensified by yesterday's living room conversation, "forget Cape Town, I'm going to Paris!"
So, I suppose it's comforting to know that other international students are feeling noncommittal with Cape Town, too.
Or just equally discouraging.
To spice it up this weekend, we're trying new things. Our date ideas are mostly from the 101 list of things to do in Cape Town-- highlights include: the Planetarium, Bikram Yoga, improv sports, and the Green Point Flea Market-- and with some assistance from the New York Times: 36 hours in Cape Town.
I'm pretty confident our relationship can be saved, it's just going to take a little work, and some time. Maybe I'll even fall in love.
(Or run off to Paris.)

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