Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're Just Friends

Well, to use a very over extended metaphor, if Cape Town and I had to put a label to our relationship, I'd say we were "just friends."
And to take it too far, I'd been eyeing Cape Town for a while. I heard it was really happening and exciting! and perfect. I'd even checked it out on Facebook a couple times. And every other abroad student to encounter Cape Town, was in love.
So, I wanted to be in love, too. And with the help of our matchmaker, Lisa Sapolis, our affair began. We've been together for about a month now, but Cape Town and I aren't really working out.
I'm not sure what I want, and sometimes what Cape Town wants, is only stopped with my VIPER: Self-Defense Spray. Maybe the first month is the hardest.
(To invoke another metaphor we all learned in our orientation program, I'm on the second apple.)
Of course this was only intensified by yesterday's living room conversation, "forget Cape Town, I'm going to Paris!"
So, I suppose it's comforting to know that other international students are feeling noncommittal with Cape Town, too.
Or just equally discouraging.
To spice it up this weekend, we're trying new things. Our date ideas are mostly from the 101 list of things to do in Cape Town-- highlights include: the Planetarium, Bikram Yoga, improv sports, and the Green Point Flea Market-- and with some assistance from the New York Times: 36 hours in Cape Town.
I'm pretty confident our relationship can be saved, it's just going to take a little work, and some time. Maybe I'll even fall in love.
(Or run off to Paris.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Start of Something Wonderful

Now, we've been talking about blogging for a while. Mostly with Steph. So, the my roommates and I-- affectionately called "The Four Cousins"--have decided to jump on the band wagon. Our blog is aptly titled (thanks Steph!) because we do in fact live in 'the hills' and lead pretty parralel lives to the reality stars on the hit MTV series.
We finally started class this week. And with a few switches in our schedules, I think we're all very happy. My favorite course, by far, is African Dance. Because we all look foolish, especially the tiny ballerina in the front of the class who is trying very hard to "look good." Secondly, because the teacher, is a G.
But before we even started to think about school, we've been on a "vay-cay." And when I try to rehash the last three weeks that we've been in Cape Town, our most absurd adventures seem to involve wine.
The first was our encounter with the Four Cousins jug of wine. Which also included our first meeting with the downstairs neighbor: Big D. Essentially, we all got a little too loose. Laughing at Claire's very Cosmo-Girl! quiz, "Which one of the Four Cousins is for you!" And Big D felt the need to stamp out our fun. Because, wouldn't you know? Laughter carries. So does the soft shoe routine we like to do above her bedroom.
The second was our trip to Stellenbosch. We looked at it in our guidebook, "it's just like Napa!" And all decided to go. Meg made the reservation at the "Stumble Inn." A hostel with a great play on words. And everything seemed great, we cooed "how cute!" from Al's van windows. But, after ten minutes in Dormitory G, we were greeted by our other two roommates. Two male overland truck drivers. Not that this isn't to be expcted in a hostel. But needless to say, we were skeeved, and vowed to spend all or our time out in town.
The thing with small towns, however, you can walk them in twenty minutes. And the thing about this small town, is that everyone gave us the stink eye. Apparently what the guide books won't tell you: Stellenbosch is the last great haven for Afrikaners. To further illustrate what this means: One night after meeting two other Americans, studying at the University of Stellenbosch, and drinking with them at the Bohemia, we walked back to our room. However, on the way, some Afrikaners felt the need to chase us, and yell out "Foreigners! Xhosa!"
Meg and Whitney were none the wiser, singing "Hold me closer young Tony Danza!" But Claire said it best, Stellenbosch is "Mississippi Burning!"
The second day proved difficult, only because our favorite travel partner, Claire, desperately wanted to leave. After not sleeping, curled up to Meg all night, refusing to use an unwahsed blanket, and in desperate need of a shower, I didn't blame Claire at all for wanting to leave. So it was hard trying to come up with good reasons for her to stay. But she did! And she even went on the wine tour!
So yes, our last day in Stellebosch was spent on a wine tour of four different wineries. Great cheese, and sloppy adventures had by all. The van ride back with Al was very quiet, as every one passed out for the forty minute ride home. Once we got back, we only had time to drop our bags and head to Ida's dinner. One roommates sloppy adventure didn't stop once we got to Ida's dinner, where she promptly fountained beer all over a young gentleman's lap. She can't help it if her boyfriend likes flowers, and that telling her so makes her laugh with a mouth-full of Castle.
Now, the last adventure, and the most recent. Two nights ago, Claire was kind enough to buy five bottles of wine for the apartment. But for some reason, we drank three bottles in one sitting. And the sloppy adventures that followed are mostly on video. But the ones worth recounting involved our NENs. (Naughty Engish Neighbors). We ding dong ditched said NENs, got caught, and my fearless roommates went next door, only to explain that we were initiating a fake sorority. While the latter happened, I was busy making a $42 drunk dial on my cellular phone.
Needless to say, the hike up to school the next day was hectic.
Well, I'm happy to have informed you all now of our drinking. But that's not really all we do. It's just what leads to the more embarrassing adventures that are worth recounting.
I suppose, though, that my recent behavior has invoked "something." That's vague, but recently I was stopped by the Y, on my way up the hill to school, and asked to join my Christian brothers and sisters. As well as yesterday when I was on campus reading, one actively Christian girl wanted me to join her bible study. Is some one trying to tell me something?
But really, Cape Town is wonderful. It's beautiful and despite people's best attempts to scare us off, we're on the first apple. At least today anyway.